Published 2025-01-08
- Energy choice,
- household,
- demographic and health survey,
- Benue State
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Households in Nigeria use different cooking fuels including wood, charcoal, kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for cooking. The use of electricity has not been widely reported in the energy literature and the limited studies that examined household fuel use in Benue State could not provided context to studies investigating household's energy fuel choices. Drawing on qualitative data elicited from three different locations in Benue State, Nigeria, this paper sets out the information on households' cooking system choices; fuels, and cookstoves. The Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) data were analysed and the results on Benue State was used to contextualized the study. The limitations identifed in the energy and cookstove questions asked in the NDHS household questionnaire were used to inform the household questionnaire, interview questions and direct observation approaches for this study. Thematic analysis was used to identify ideas and patterns in respondent
responses and that provide detailed account that is independent of analytical bias. The findings indicated that cooking system choices were impacted by energy infrastructure and access considerations linked to fuel cost. Respondents indicted preferences for wood and traditional stoves although shifts in fuel use were observed. There was limited awareness about household air pollution and health risks and smoke. The study
concludes by emphasizing the importance of monitoring households cooking system choices and suggests that finding from this research could engage the interest of stakeholders in government, private and public organizations and stove promoters seeking to promote clean fuels and cookstove programs.